Monica’s Podcasts
Monica Matthews - Life, Love and Liberty
Craig "Sawman" Sawyer On Child Brutality & Trafficking At Border & Beyond- The Church-Negligent- How You Could Be Aiding A 50B Industrial Complex

Craig "Sawman" Sawyer On Child Brutality & Trafficking At Border & Beyond- The Church-Negligent- How You Could Be Aiding A 50B Industrial Complex

Ready for a real conversation about what's happening to the bodies and souls of our children? Yes, migrating children are still God's babies- and ours. I'm not agreeing with illegal migration- it's an abomination to order and contributes to a $38-$50B industry. Craig 'Sawman' Saywer, Former Seal Team 6, bada** extraordinaire launched his new documentary Contraland- showcasing the very real urban, border and suburb industrial complex of trafficking our kids. What is YOUR role in this? Well, that's where it gets REAL interesting. Some of you may unfollow me and that's ok, but you know I'm right.

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Monica’s Podcasts
Monica Matthews - Life, Love and Liberty
<p>A dose of Life, Love and Liberty with host Monica Matthews. Ridiculously honest conversations about culture, relationships &amp; the human condition. Navigating the BS of life with daily reminders of how to be stronger, better and more alive &amp; thriving!&nbsp;Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.</p>