Monica’s Podcasts
Monica Matthews - Life, Love and Liberty
GA Governor & SOS Abandon Justice, Integrity, Georgia Voters & POTUS, Sen Kelly Loeffler Endures Race, Sex, Wealth Shaming In Lieu Of Debate

GA Governor & SOS Abandon Justice, Integrity, Georgia Voters & POTUS, Sen Kelly Loeffler Endures Race, Sex, Wealth Shaming In Lieu Of Debate

To conspire is a willful act that involves a harmful purpose. Hiding behind legal semantics, the Gov of GA along with the dark money purveyor Lt. Gov Geoff Duncan, attempted to explain away why it's not within their authority to call a special session. Foregoing the obvious- a mountain of evidence outlining election fraud, as a matter of state security, it is absolutely within their purview to call a special session. The GA SOS office has flagrantly aided and abetted Democrats in the heist of the GA election. Again, evidence. I'll explain the evidence brought to them as recent as last evening, the eve of their departure from integrity, justice and your liberty.

As debates go, I'm not sure I've ever been so mortified for a candidate and because of the filthy biased nature of moderators. I'll explain.

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Monica’s Podcasts
Monica Matthews - Life, Love and Liberty
<p>A dose of Life, Love and Liberty with host Monica Matthews. Ridiculously honest conversations about culture, relationships &amp; the human condition. Navigating the BS of life with daily reminders of how to be stronger, better and more alive &amp; thriving!&nbsp;Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.</p>